Friday, May 27, 2011


Novice photographer meets never-modeled-but-sure-I'll-try former dancer.    Some of the better results:

Friday, May 20, 2011

Looking for Melmac

The Bloomington citywide garage sale is going on right now. I was shopping for plastic plates and cups and flatware for this summer's beach outings.  I was more than successful at that, but I had some good Woolynns finds, too.  Several skeins of ribbon yarns at one sale started me off.

But then, the really good find.  First, you have to know that last night I began laying out wool on a hand-dyed piece of cotton scrim in beautiful shades of gold. I picked merino wool in copper, yellow, fuschia, and violet.  And then I got stuck with where to go with it.  But this morning, I came across this wool yarn in all the right colors.  

Cannot wait to get back to laying this out.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preview part I or Shooting Heads and Shoulders

Here's a taste of what will be listed on etsy soon.  (The photo shoot with a real live person, and all the new big wraps, had to be postponed.)
Tried for a cobweb scarf.  Not how it turned out, but still lovely.

Subtle Spring

Devil's Own

Any name ideas?  I love this.  It leaves me speechless.

Detail of "Speechless"


This is on pale green hand-dyed gauze.  (I didn't dye it.)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spiritual Wool-gathering Part II

I was told white, mostly white.  I showed a sketch to my sister-in-law and she approved the simple floral design on the white background.   I laid the wool very thinly, entirely covering the white silk chiffon so it would shrink but remain fairly flat.  And it looked beautiful.

I felted it. It was still beautiful, but my 90" piece was now 53" long. Too short for a clergy stole.

So I'm trying again.  Instead of one long piece, it is two pieces side by side with additional chiffon cut into a curved neckline.  Same design.   Much more white.   I'll felt it tomorrow.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Spiritual wool-gathering

Art and religion.  A longstanding combination.  I've been asked to venture into felting prayer shawls by my rabbi.  The idea appeals.  I did some homework and learned that there is a prayer to be said and detailed instructions for tying off knots in the four corners.  I have a few designs in my sketchbook.  But the first actual commission to come my way that mixes religion and art is for a minister's stole.  A friend of my sister-in-law is about to become a pastor.  Different homework teaches me different measurements, no prescribed prayer or blessing.  We have settled on a design.  My requirement for myself is that I do not create without having the right mindset. This piece will be for sacred work.  It doesn't matter that it is not my religion.  Sacred, spiritual, blessed.  Find that space in my heart and in my soul.