Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preview part I or Shooting Heads and Shoulders

Here's a taste of what will be listed on etsy soon.  (The photo shoot with a real live person, and all the new big wraps, had to be postponed.)
Tried for a cobweb scarf.  Not how it turned out, but still lovely.

Subtle Spring

Devil's Own

Any name ideas?  I love this.  It leaves me speechless.

Detail of "Speechless"


This is on pale green hand-dyed gauze.  (I didn't dye it.)


  1. I love Devil's Own and the last gauzy green one.

  2. The unnamed one reminds me of spring and ocean.

  3. Thanks, Janice.
    Yeah, Susan, spring keeps running through my head, too. Another friend suggested sea glass. It is in there somewhere. Ocean, spring, sea glass. Thanks.
